Narrative Essay
Paper details:
Phase 1: Narrative Composition
Write a detailed narrative paper recounting one of the most personally frustrating experiences you have encountered either in a job setting or some social arena.
Think carefully about the nature of the conflict, the parties involved, the divisions and their respective arguments or positions, your side or perspective, the degree of your
involvement, the critical events or acts that the conflict precipitated, and finally its resolution and the factors that brought it to closure.
Drafting the Narrative
After reviewing these and perhaps other relevant factors, compose your paper in one
taking the problem from the beginning
to the end, keeping in mind the various
elements and factors mentioned above.
Observe the following conventions for this exercise:
1) Write in the first person from your own perspective.
It is okay to use “I.”
2) Be specific name names, give details
, quote the key players.
3) After opening with a paragraph explaining the background or context of the problem,
follow a chronological sequence, starting from the beginning of the conflict and closing
with an explanation of the resolution.
4) Observe proper paragraphing, developing each stage or point in separate paragraph
5) Don’t hesitate to make the paper expressive, revealing your own feelings and those
of others as they are appropriate and relevant to the conflict.
Revising the Paper
Set the draft aside for a minimum of two days.
Then, rewrite the paper, making
substantive, organizational, and developmental changes that you wish.
Preparing the Final Copy
Retype the paper at the computer, making sure to double
space each line.
Print it out
nd review it once more for any major changes.
Edit the paper as you go, keeping alert
for examples of the most common problems that you often find in your writing.
make the changes and print out your final copy.
Include a heading in the upper left